Commit to the Lord whatever you do and He will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3
Mail a check payable to
Discipleship in Unexpected Ways
c/o Debbie Winsett
1825 N Salierno Ct., Visalia CA 93291
Please note "donation" in the memo section. Our 501c3 Tax Exempt ID is 85-1521007
for tax purposes. Receipts will be sent at year-end.
If you would like to discuss donating your Required Minimum Distribution to our ministry
tax-free to you and to us, please send the form below and we'll reach out. This is a great
to GIVE to a worthy cause without paying tax on your RMD.
We will use your donations for ministry operations (website & other fees), travel planning costs, traveler support, and potentially scholarships for those who wish to support the ministry purpose but are relying on God for the financial support to do so in this way. Board members do not receive compensation.
Your generosity can help us fulfill our purpose and
we will send a receipt to express our appreciation!
Thank you!
Contact Us
Contact Us
Discipleship in Unexpected Ways
c/o Debbie Winsett
1825 N Salierno Ct.
Visalia CA 93291
We will send a receipt for your tax-deductible donation at year end. Thank you so much!
Discipleship in Unexpected Ways
Tax Exempt #85-1521007