Commit to the Lord whatever you do and He will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3
Links to Information & Documents from our August 18th meeting
Please print any additional documents you may need and use the links to help you source items you may with to take with you.

Allianz Insurance
App - add this to your phone
Additional things that were mentioned in the meeting:
- Be sure your liquid, cream, or gel toiletries are <3.4 oz each and are packed in a clear quart size or less bag for carry-on luggage.
- Be sure to take your name tag/lanyard and your teal "Faith over Fear" bracelet with you!
Things to think about:
- Pre-order medications that you won't have enough of for the full trip
- Get your hair cut before if it won't last through the full trip
- If you will need to paint your nails/toenails, take polish remover wipes (not liquid, find it in the amazon list) and double bag/bubble wrap your polish bottle so it doesn't break.
- Trackers like Tile, Samsung, or AirTag are useful to put in luggage, backpacks, or purses to help find them if lost.
Forgot to mention!
- The Greece cruise does not require that you dress up for any evening events - you can if you wish. No shorts allowed in the dining room at dinner. Most people go directly to dinner after the tour day or you can change.
- Jet lag relief medications can be helpful but the best remedy is to drink lots of water, don't drink alcohol, and move around when you can.
- If your legs swell, consider wearing compression socks on the longer flights.